Résumé Mistake #4 - Sending as a Word Document

Save the finished document in a PDF format before emailing. The software is free and it's the industry standard. In this way, every recipient of your document will be able to read it in the original way it was formatted. When you send a document in Word (for instance), the chances of thedocument getting (inadvertently) edited are much higher. Plus,the recipient may not actually have the version of MS Word ontheir computer, so the margins will go haywire and the integrity of what you sent will be lost. PDF is the easiest and most universally accepted format.If you’re looking for a FREE résumé critique, send your current résumé directly to Laurie J. James at the email address below.  


Résumé Mistake #3 - Using a Cookie-Cutter Template


Top 5 Mistakes When Writing Your Résumé